Soulmind Meditation


Meditation changed my life & so could easily change anyone’s! It is my happy place & once you start the meditation journey it’s like opening a tub of Pringles, as in once you start you can’t stop!

As our breath is closely connected with our emotions and feelings, by learning to control our breath we can manage our minds and emotions. We can also use specific breathing techniques to expand our lung capacity and eliminate toxins from our bodies. The breath is taken for granted by most of us but it’s a tool we all have that can access deep states of meditation effortlessly. I’ve experienced many a state of beautiful bliss in deep meditation that there are no words to describe it.

Using breathing techniques improve circulation and blood flow to the brain and activate our parasympathetic nervous system, which means that our brain gets the message to relax. I think something we all need to be able to do in this modern age.

Also positively science is recognizing that proper breathing is essential for health. Targeted breathing exercises can boost our immunity and improve our overall health. If nothing else, it’s time out for you & you are important & deserve to relax & experience states of bliss. We all do!

So give it a go, & if you don’t know where to start, reach out!

Om Meditation - Audio Download

Om Meditation - Audio Download